It’s been a day chock full of Group Kick, Group Kick, and more Group Kick and I had some VERY frustrating moments…to the point where the self-doubt, lack of confidence and downright panic set in. It was a range of emotions I haven’t quite felt in some time (thankfully!!) and I couldn’t shake it and realize that I’ve only been doing this for TWO weeks – TWO! – and it will start coming together. I’m not a patient person by nature, and our instructor for training, Natalie, said right upfront – we won’t be good at not being good at this – and she’s so right, I was SO not having it today!

Why the panic, fear and frustration, you say?

Well, today was our very first team practice, including three other instructors that are learning this release with us. Only difference – and it’s a big one – they already teach other classes! So, my sister and I practiced all morning, I practiced some more this afternoon and then headed to practice at 2.

And ya know what?

At first, it SUCKED. I was intimidated. I was nervous. I was even a little scared.

But as we started going through our tracks (and getting our asses kicked, basically, by our fitness director), I started feeling a little better, a little more on level ground with the others, and realizing that yes, this will take time, and yes, it will suck at times, but YES, I can do this.

As my sister aptly pointed out  (and I’m sure she’ll blog about it too!) – I’ve gone through a LOT worse in the last year…this should be cake, in comparison. And she’s right. As much as I didn’t want to admit she was right, she is. I’ll get through this – as my next challenge – I am DETERMINED to get through this. I need to walk the walk, instead of talking the talk, in this case, and channel my inner strength and confidence.

And yes, if you haven’t guessed it yet, this blog post is a pep talk to myself. Get used to it, there may be more of these in the future 🙂