It’s been an interesting week, to say the least and I thought this quote was a great choice for quote Friday for setting your mind for happiness, no matter what.

“A happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people don’t allow the happy moments, because they’re so busy trying to get a happy life.”
~ Abraham-Hicks

I’ve written about being happy and finding happiness on many occasions. I may sound like a broken record sometimes, but I’m just constantly amazed at the amount of people in this world that fall into the trap of UNhappiness when there isn’t really a need to be unhappy. What is unhappiness, anyway? What purpose does it really serve? It doesn’t get you anywhere but make you moody, depressed, sad, angry, etc. But it doesn’t CHANGE anything. So, why not just be happy, whenever you can?

Life is too short to live a “ho-hum” life – or worse, to THINK you are living a ho-hum life, when in reality, you may have a pretty good life, but you never see it that way. That’s what this quote is all about. Stringing together those happy moments into your life, rather than focusing so hard on all the wrong going on in your life.

Of course, it is always easier said than done, and I’m a victim of this too, but in general, I think I am a happy, positive person, in part because the opposite just doesn’t get you anywhere but down. So, on this frigid day in Boston, I’m going to think about all the happy moments I’ve had this week, rather than the stressful or annoying moments, because life’s meant to be lived! Live it up people!!


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