Hi friends!

Well, I’m feeling super discombobulated as I’m ending a stressful day at work (why is it that work feels *that* much more stressful and hectic before vacation? I mean, really, that’s just not nice…and it’s only 3 work days, not even a full week!), and while I have a few thoughts percolating for blog posts, they are swirling in my brain mindlessly so I tuck them away for later.

And since I have been blessed with some new readers that have some pretty fantastic blogs, I thought I’d share a few more with ya’ll, since I haven’t done one of these little recaps lately. Here goes:

  • Sylvest Walsh’s blog: The fact that the subtitle of her blog is “the stronger the wind, the tougher the trees” is one indication of why I love her blog (so far!). She has a really cool reason for the title of her blog, she too is divorced and I find a lot of what she says I can totally relate to (and I must say, she read Snark‘s ENTIRE blog in a couple of nights after stumbling across it, I think, from mine…how very cool is that?! And um, check out her ‘reality checks‘ – they are hysterical.
  • Magnolia: She’s just about 30 (woohoo for 30!), going towards a graduate law degree, and I just love her writing. And she’s super sweet in all she writes in response to my posts. Touched. Much more I need to dig into on hers.
  • Life Uncensored: I was really lucky to meet Ronda at Bloggers in Sin City in May as she is also divorced (and around my age) and is writing about dating and post-divorce life, and well, just some really honest writing that I love. We definitely see eye to eye on a lot and heck, she is a runner too *high five* Check her out.
  • cattails.me: Another friend from Bloggers in Sin City and another post-divorce find…and she just celebrated her divorce-sary today – you’re awesome, you’re a beautiful writer and I love what you have to say!

So, there you have it – a few new reads to my ever-expanding blogroll (no idea how I manage to somewhat keep up with everyone but I do try, because reading all of your blogs is like reading a good book you don’t want to put down, and you are all part of my family in a way. XO all!

…and now back to cleaning and packing for M-A-I-N-E! Woo! πŸ™‚